Welsh National Champs & British Champs: Llandudno

Five of our racers headed to Llandudno, North Wales to compete in the Welsh national champs and the British Champs. In these races the courses get tighter (distance between the gates gets shorter), and tricky gate combinations are thrown in to keep you on your toes! So well done to all of the racers that competed in it.

Welsh Champs:

Marcus – First U10 Male.

Ben – 5th U18 Male

Lila – 5th U16 Female

full results: https://gbski.com/competition.php?ID=1036

British Champs:

Marcus – 1st U10 Male

Ben – 5th U18 Male

Toby – 9th U18 Male

Lila – 5th U16 Female

Phoebe – 8th U14 Female

All results: https://gbski.com/competition.php?ID=1037

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