What is your name?
Danica Moore
How long have you been skiing with Bromley?
11 years
What got you in to skiing?
My dad took me to learn how to ski at Bromley dry slope when I was 5 in preparation for a ski holiday that winter.
What got you into ski racing?
After learning the basics at Bromley, I enjoyed it so much that I started to go to their Sunday ski school every week, and this progressed onto the Saturday race training.
What do you like about skiing with the club?
It’s a very friendly club, focusing on the importance of enjoyment within sport and not just the pure competition.
Have you done any other club roles?
I am currently Race Captain at the University of Sheffield.
What is a typical race day like for you?
At university, we compete in the KINGS dry slope races as well as BUCS races, the latter being much more official and akin to the regular dry slope races. KINGS races however are much more informal, generally require fancy dress and don’t normally take place until the late afternoon, I take full advantage of the lay-in!! The uni races are great because the larger races bring together all the Uni’s from across the country, meaning you get to have a catch up with all the people you know through racing with in the past.
Where are you now and are you still skiing?
I’m going into my third year at The University of Sheffield studying Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics. I’m still skiing with “Sheffski” who attend all the main UK Uni skiing events as well as running two ski trips a year to the Alps.
What would you say to young skiers just starting out and wanting to join the club?
Don’t be afraid to get involved! I remember always being intimidated by the bigger kids when I first started skiing but they’re actually super nice and they’re always happy to give you a few tips and tricks!
I’d also say, once you get your own pair of race skis make sure your dad knows how to service them properly… Having a sharp edge makes all the difference!!
What would you do a little differently?
Don’t let other people’s opinions worry you, concentrate on what you’re doing and have fun with it! I always used to get super stressed at races but once I got over this, I skied a lot better and enjoyed myself a lot more!